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"A Fire Apart"

"A Fire Apart"

Nick Runge
oil on canvas
36 x 36 inches (L x W)

"A View from the Forest"

"A View from the Forest"

Stanka Kordic
oil on birch
18 x 12 inches (L x W)

"After Raphaelle Peale"

"After Raphaelle Peale"

Catherine Kehoe
oil on panel
5 x 5 inches (L x W)



Maya Kulenovic
oil on canvas
28 x 28 inches (L x W)

"Autumn Flirtation"

"Autumn Flirtation"

Michelle Condrat
oil on board
16 x 12 inches (L x W)

"Bloom 2"

"Bloom 2"

Aiden Kringen
oil and spray paint on canvas
24 x 24 inches (L x W)

"Bloom 3"

"Bloom 3"

Aiden Kringen
oil and spray paint on canvas
36 x 36 inches (L x W)

"BLT Ride"

"BLT Ride"

Valerio D'Ospina
oil on panel
18 x 48 inches (L x W)

"Brick House"

"Brick House"

Catherine Kehoe
oil on panel
5 x 5 inches (L x W)



J Louis
oil on cradled panel
30 x 24 inches (L x W)



J Louis
oil on cradled linen panel
48 x 58 inches (L x W)

"Fleeting Heights"

"Fleeting Heights"

Nick Runge
oil on canvas
24 x 18 inches (L x W)

"Flushed & Flamelike Themselves"

"Flushed & Flamelike Themselves"

Joshua Flint
oil on canvas
68 x 58 inches (L x W)



Mia Bergeron
oil on panel
14 x 11 inches (L x W)

"I Always Promised You a Rose Garden"

"I Always Promised You a Rose Garden"

Stanka Kordic
oil on linen
28 x 25 inches (L x W)



Timothy Robert Smith
acrylic on polytab and wood panel
60 x 70 inches (L x W)

"Interception of Frequency"

"Interception of Frequency"

Timothy Robert Smith
oil on wood panel and acrylic on polytab
18 x 24 inches (L x W)

"L'Inferno di Dante"

"L'Inferno di Dante"

Valerio D'Ospina
oil on panel
32 x 48 inches (L x W)

"Little Jacket"

"Little Jacket"

Catherine Kehoe
oil on panel
10 x 8 inches (L x W)



Valerio D'Ospina
oil on panel
24 x 32.5 inches (L x W)

"Mister X"

"Mister X"

Daniel Bilodeau
acrylic and oil on panel
12 x 12 inches (L x W)



Daniel Bilodeau
oil on paper on panel
11.75 x 8.75 inches (L x W)

"Portait (Pigtails)"

"Portait (Pigtails)"

Anne Harris
oil on panel
12 x 12 inches (L x W)



Anne Harris
oil on panel
12 x 12 inches (L x W)



Stanka Kordic
oil on birch
18 x 12 inches (L x W)

"Reflections from Above"

"Reflections from Above"

Michelle Condrat
oil on board
24 x 36 inches (L x W)



Zack Zdrale
oil on panel
13 x 24 inches (L x W)



J Louis
oil on cradled linen panel
22 x 30 inches (L x W)

"Self-Portrait No Glasses"

"Self-Portrait No Glasses"

Catherine Kehoe
oil on panel
5 x 5 inches (L x W)

"Shifting Painting (After Bronzino)"

"Shifting Painting (After Bronzino)"

Daniel Bilodeau
oil and string on board
30 x 24 inches (L x W)

"Sketch for Repeller"

"Sketch for Repeller"

Zack Zdrale
oil on panel
4.5 x 8.25 inches (L x W)

"Square Man"

"Square Man"

Zack Zdrale
oil on panel
12 x 11 inches (L x W)



Maya Kulenovic
oil on canvas
47 x 47 inches (L x W)

"Stop Running"

"Stop Running"

Mia Bergeron
oil on panel
16 x 12 inches (L x W)

"Sunbeam Lookout"

"Sunbeam Lookout"

Michelle Condrat
oil on board
20 x 16 inches (L x W)



Stanka Kordic
oil on birch
24 x 24 inches (L x W)

"The Corner Building"

"The Corner Building"

Valerio D'Ospina
oil on panel
48 x 25 inches (L x W)



Timothy Robert Smith
oil on wood panel
20 x 20 inches (L x W)



Mia Bergeron
oil on aluminum
43 x 48 inches (L x W)



J Louis
oil on cradled linen panel
24 x 36 inches (L x W)

"Well Riddance"

"Well Riddance"

Zack Zdrale
oil on panel
13 x 24 inches (L x W)



Zack Zdrale
oil on panel
12 x 12 inches (L x W)